Sheet music for Accordion / Bayan / Accordeon published
in Ukraine and Other Countries

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Mykhailo Nazarchuk and Oleksandr Orlov. CD Accordion Duet

Total time: 45'03


J.S.Bach. Prelude & Fugue in A-moll (BWV 543). Video of this piece bellow on page

1. Prelude
2. Fugue

A.Vivaldi - J.S.Bach. Concert d-moll

3. Allegro non troppo
4. Grave
5. Fuga
6. Largo
7. Presto

8. "Kosachok" from the symphony of unknown Ukrainian composer
9. G.Rossini - C.Tedesku. "Figaro"
10. A.Piazzolla. Meditango
11. Pablo de Sarasate. Navarra Video of this piece bellow on page
12. "Hungarian Chardash". Edited for two accordions by M.Nazarchuk

*Price: 15 €

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..: DEMO tracks from CD :..

Video demo: J.S.Bach. Prelude & Fugue in A-moll (BWV 543). Performed by accordion DUO Mykhailo Nazarchuk and Oleksandr Orlov

Video demo: Pablo de Sarasate. Navarra. Performed by accordion DUO Mykhailo Nazarchuk and Oleksandr Orlov

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In the course of the last decade the world has rediscovered Ukraine - the country which arose from the ashes of obliteration on the banks of the Dnieper-river. One of the most attractive components of this process is becoming familiar with the Ukrainian culture, which managed to retain its originality and astounding diversity.

When Ukrainian culture is being discussed, one first of all thinks about the Ukrainian folk music - at times imbued with lyricism and tragic overtones, at times energetic and full of vitality. The music evokes associations with the history of Ukraine, with the achievements and the lost opportunities the way they influenced the lives of so many Ukrainians. But it would be a great mistake to believe that Ukrainian music today is connected with reproducing the music of the past only!

Nothing of the kind! In it there lives the spirit of search and creativity, the desire to have a fresh look at the classical works through the prism of the modern musical trends, to suggest new sound patterns. The real center of this creative work is the Ukrainian National Musical Academy (the city of Kiev), which experiences a revival now.

A.Orlov and M.Nazarchuk - a duet of the bayan-players - were brought up within this highly advanced educational establishment. Despite their young age, these two artists, the students of Academician Davydov and Professor Fenyuk, are recognized masters of playing the bayan- the musical instrument scarcely known to the Western audience but becoming increasingly popular worldwide due to the wealth of its expressive potential.

Playing together, A.Orlov and M.Nazarchuk took part in many international festivals and were the winners of the National Ukrainian and international contests. They retrying to solve the problem of finding the ways of to increase the possibilities of their musical instrument. Of no little importance is the fact that their bayans were produced by real masters and have an unexpectedly large diapason, which allows the artists to adapt most impressively the works of different composers and epochs. Thus, the present disc contains J.S. Bach's "Prelude and Fuga" a-moll written for the organ, A.Vivaldi's "Concert" d-moll meant for the chamber orchestra, the violin and piano Figaros Cavatina by J.Rossini-C.Tedesku, and Sarasate's "Navarra" for two violins and the piano.

A.Orlov and M.Nazarchuk all by themselves have adapted these technically most complicated works for the bayan, and listening to them you cannot help admiring the virtuosity of their performance and noticing the unparalleled way of playing characterized by the astonishing dynamic contrasts which are to be achieved only when the bayan duet is acting.

Side by side with the originality of the performance you will be impressed by the musical versatility proving what a great potential the bayan has- the musical instrument, which most people treat slightingly and condescendingly. They do it for no conspicuous reason, fort he baroque, classical, folk and modern sound equally natural when played by A.Orlov and M.Nazarchuk.

So do plunge in the miraculous world and sounds which the Ukrainian artists unveil for you, and you will hear how the leaves of the chestnut trees are rustling at the green hills of the Dnieper-river, you will hear the whisper of the waves of that great river quietly bringing forth its waters to the Black Sea, you will visualize the golden domes of the Kiev churches glistening in the emerald leaves and warmed by the bright Ukrainian sun. This great city is there for two thousand years, and eternity is surely in store for it. The feeling of the dramatic collision of Time and Eternity is rendered by Music produced by the excellent musical instrument. The sound of the bayan is unsurpassed when the two artists play it.

Professor, Academician M.Davydov

 * Prices excluding postage. Delivery price depends on the weight of a package.
**Prices are subject to change. Always check for the newest information on this website.