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Attention! Four books on page bellow!
*** About Mikhail Likhachov ***
Mikhail Likhachov. Author Album. Compositions for accordion
Volume 1
Language: English-Russian
Number of pages: 49
Difficulty level:
Beginner -
Intermediate -
Here's zipped demo in JPG format
*** Music for Accordion Solo ***
Dreams are, undoubtedly, brighter
The Old Album
The Burning Sun
The Turning Mood
The Revelation
The Longing
*Price: 20 €
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available _______ |
Mikhail Likhachov. Author Album. Compositions for accordion
Volume 2
Language: English-Russian
Number of pages: 51
Difficulty level:
Beginner -
Intermediate -
Here's zipped demo in JPG format
*** Music for Accordion Solo ***
1. The Dragon Dance
2. Interesting Collocutor
3. In Church by Night
4. The Soul is Oppressed in Captivity
5. The Abandoned Temple
*** Music for Accordion Duo ***
6. Beautiful Day
7. Flight to the Unexplored Distances
*** Music for Accordion Trio ***
8. Atlantic-samba
9. Pavlovsk in the Evening
*Price: 20 €
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available _______ |
Mikhail Likhachov. Author Album. Compositions for accordion
Volume 3
Language: English-Russian
Number of pages: 44
Difficulty level:
Beginner -
Intermediate -
Here's zipped demo in JPG format
*** Music for Accordion and Piano ***
1. Ocean
*** Music for Accordion Duo ***
2. Night Dreams
*** Music for Flute, Violin, Accordion, Piano and Bass ***
3. Pavlovsk in the Evening
*** Music for Flute and Accordion ***
4. The Racing Highway Car
*** Music for Violin solo, Violin I, Violin II, Alto, Cello and Contrabass ***
5. Mosquito
*** Music for Flute, Oboe, Cembalo, Violin I, Violin II, Alto, Cello and Contrabass ***
6. Menuet
*Price: 20 €
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available _______ |
Mikhail Likhachov. Author Album. Compositions for accordion
Volume 4
Language: English-Russian
Number of pages: 45
Difficulty level:
Beginner -
Intermediate -
Here's zipped demo in JPG format
*** Music for Accordion Duo ***
1. Senorita
*** Music for Accordion Trio ***
2. Bolero
*** Music for Flute, Violin, Accordion, Piano and Bass ***
3. Treasure
*** Accordion and Piano ***
4. Midnight
*Price: 20 €
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Mikhail Likhachov
Mikhail Likhachov is accordion teacher of Children's musical school of a name V.
V. Andreyev, composer, poet, head of instrumental ensemble "Cottage". Mikhail is
distinguished by a surprising creative orientation by all of his life. His many
cultural initiatives which are put into practice, became significant events in life
of St.-Petersburg. It is enough to name some examples. The successes of Mikhail
in creation of a lot of lyrical songs are highly marked by the professional colleagues-composers.
The song written by Mikhail Likhachov about native Moscow district of city became
an official hymn of one of the largest territorial formation of St.-Petersburg.
Other direction in creativity of Mikhail Likhachov is the poetry. He issues two books
of author's verses "Dreams are, undoubtedly, brighter..." and "As the destiny is
at times changeable...". It is necessary to note, that as a source of creative inspiration
Mikhail for itself considers a unique atmosphere of palaces and parks of suburbs
of St.-Petersburg, the park of Pavlovsk is especial, where many compositions were
written by him.
The special relation of the musician to Pavlovsk reflected in some perfect creative
undertakings. Mikhail has written an instrumental composition "Pavlovsk in the Evening",
including in the same album of instrumental music and becoming original by the visiting
card of park and museum. And to the 225-years anniversary from the date of the Pavlovsk
palace and park ensemble basis he has organized the exhibition of the photo works
under the title "Theatre of trees".
The love to native city and its suburbs was reflected even in the name of own instrumental
collective created by Mikhail in 1992. It is named on a name of one of suburban
palaces - "Cottage", and this name reflects an orientation of musical creativity
of collective on salon sounding focused on performance of the European music in
interiors of ancient palaces rooms more precisely.
The 2003 is marked by an anniversary - 300-years from the date of the basis of St.-Petersburg.
This event also has served as a source of inspiration for Mikhail. He creates an
author's album of songs "Birthday of Northern capital", produced on compact discs
and cassettes - the presentation of this album with success has passed on the eve
of anniversary of city. In addition to a disk publishing house "Compozitor" has
issued the musical collection of songs included in this album.
It is necessary to say about more than 20-year's teaching work of Mikhail Likhachov
at Children's musical school of a name V. V. Andreyev. His pedagogical method is
distinguished by a constant orientation on search of the new approaches in music
education. He works with the stu¬dents in much after-hour time, creates cycles of
lectures-concerts involving children in musical life.
Music of Mikhail Likhachov often sounds on various radio channels of St.-Petersburg,
the directors of city radio company repeatedly created thematic programs about creativity
of the musician.
At the present stage of life Mikhail Likhachov is in continuous creative search,
he is filled up by forces and energy for creation of the new projects, he is keen
on work and art.
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* Prices excluding postage. Delivery price depends on the weight of a package.
**Prices are subject to change. Always check for the newest information on this website.