Sheet music for Accordion / Bayan / Accordeon published
in Ukraine and Other Countries

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Attention! Three books on page bellow!

*** ***

Vladimir Yepifanov. "Accordions in Jazz". Compositions for Accordion Ensembles

Volume 1

Language: English-Russian
Number of pages: 61

Difficulty level: Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced


Click to download demo pages Here's zipped demo in JPG format


*** Music for Accordion Quartet and Piano ***

1. Cossack's Patrol. Arranged by Vladimir Yepifanov

*** Music for Accordion Quartet and Piano ***

Vidas Locheris. Remembering Corelli

*** Music for Accordion Duo and Double Bass (Accordion Duo only ad lib.) ***

Gorden Lofgren, arranged by Frank Marocco. Road to Marocco

*** Music for Accordion Duo and Double Bass ***

Joe Garland. In the Mood

*Price: 20 €

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Vladimir Yepifanov. "Accordions in Jazz". Compositions for Accordion Ensembles

Volume 2

Language: English-Russian
Number of pages: 64

Difficulty level: Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced


Click to download demo pages Here's zipped demo in JPG format


*** Music for Accordion Duo, Piano, Guitar and Double Bass ***

Raymond Pauls. Impromptu

*** Music for Accordion Quartet, Piano, Guitar, Bass and Drums ***

Paul Desmond. Take Five

*** Music for Accordion Quartet, Piano and Double Bass ***

Vladimir Yepifanov. Triptique on Music to the "Sun Valley Serenade" Movie

I. Harry Warren. Chattanooga Choo Choo
II. Glenn Miller. Moonlight Serenade
III. Joe Garland. In the Mood

*Price: 20 €

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Vladimir Yepifanov. "Accordions in Jazz". Compositions for Accordion Ensembles

Volume 3

Language: English-Russian
Number of pages: 71

Difficulty level: Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced


Click to download demo pages Here's zipped demo in JPG format


*** Music for Accordion Quintet, Piano, Guitar, Bass and Drums ***

John Davenport - Eddie Cooley. Fever

Sigmund Remberg. Lover, Come Back to Me!

*Price: 20 €

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Vladimir Yepifanov

Vladimir Yepifanov was born in Khabarovsk (Far East) in family of the military man. In 1947 father was transferred on a service in town Riga, where all family has moved. Having finished seven classes, Vladimir has entered the Riga industrial polytechnical college, which has ended in 1957. During training on the third year he has got on the grant small accordion, on which began to play on hearing. Soon he began to be engaged in a circle of amateur performances in Club of the auto workers.

In 1957 Vladimir has received a rank of the Winner for performance on the Latvian festival of youth and students. There on a festival the acquaintance Vladimir Yepifanov and Yuri Peshkov, known now accordionist and author of popular compositions for accordion was held. The close friendly dialogue of two young musicians proceeded and the next years. So, working after a polytechnical college at a factory "Autoelektropribor", Vladimir has entered the evening branch of musical school No l, where already two years his comrade studied. After two years of studying at school Vladimir Yepifanov was called on an active military service. After three years of a service in an army military orchestra, during which he has ended also musical school, Vladimir has moved to city Omsk, where was enlisted in a Omsk musical college, which has ended in 1966. The same year he together with Yuri Peshkov has entered the Vilnius conservatoire. Both musicians studied in a class of the teacher A. Baika. In 1970 Vladimir Yepifanov has given first in Lithuania a solo recital-concert in the Large hall of the Vilnius conservatoire, and in 1971 has graduated it with distinction.

Since 1967 Vladimir Yepifanov worked in Omsk musical college. For many years of pedagogical job Vladimir Yepifanov has issued about hundred accordionists. Many from his students became the known musicians - winners of various competitions (regional, Russian, international etc.). More thirds of former students became the teachers of musical schools, middle and higher educational institutions. Experience and the knowledge, received by them from teacher, helps them to work on a field of popularization of accordion art in Russia and abroad.

Vladimir Yepifanov has died in 2004 in Omsk city.

 * Prices excluding postage. Delivery price depends on the weight of a package.
**Prices are subject to change. Always check for the newest information on this website.