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Gennady Banshchikov. Sonata No. 4 for free-bass Bayan / Accordion

Language: Russian-English
Number of pages: 26

Difficulty level: Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced

Bass: FREE

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Gennady Banshchikov. Sonata No. 4 for free-bass Bayan / Accordion

*Price: 15 €

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Sheet music with compositions by Gennady Banshchikov for Accordion / Bayan / Accordeon / Akkordeon /
Fisarmonica / Harmonika / Harmonica / Trekkspill / Dragspel / Harmonikka / Bajan / Akordeon:

Sonata No. 1
Sonata No. 1
Sonata No. 2
Sonata No. 3
Sonata No. 4

Gennady Ivanovich Banshchikov (born in 1943) is one of the most brilliant composers among his contemporaries. This is the witty technical inventiveness peculiar to him, giving birth to innovations in traditional instrumental sounding. Meanwhile the sincerity and profundity of his lyricism welded with intelectual musical discoveries captivate both listeners and executants, striving for the mutual creative work.

Gennady Banshchikov is the author of operas ("Love and Silin" to Koz'ma Prutkov (1968), "Opera About Ivan Ivanovich and Ivan Nikiforovich to Have Quarrelled" to Gogol (1971), "Death of Cornet Klyausov" to Chekhov (1976), "Sorrow from the Mind" to Griboyedov (1982), "Masquerade of Ekaterina the Great's Age" to Albina Shulgina's libretto (2003), ballets, cantatas to the poems by A. Blok, I. Brodsky, F. Garcia Lorca, C. Vallejo etc., oratorios, five cello concertos, six symphonies, among which the three ones are numbered (1968, 1977, 1988) and three ones a programmatic — "Eternal Flame" (1985), "Queen of Spades" (1990), "Schumann and Venus" (1994), numerous chamber-instrumental compositions for different casts, music to films and drama plays.

The Sonata N° 4 for free-bass bayan was composed according to the order of Oleg Sharov, the Petersburgian accordionist. It was in October, 2003 when Sharov performed it at the Petersburgian Composers' House.

 * Prices excluding postage. Delivery price depends on the weight of a package.
**Prices are subject to change. Always check for the newest information on this website.