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World of Dance. Volume 3. Polkas. Galops. Transcriptions for Accordion or Bayan.
Repertoire for Children Music Schools

Language: Russian
Number of pages: 74

Difficulty level: Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced


Click to download demo pages Here's zipped demo in JPG format


1. Old Russian Polka

2. Slovak Polka

3. Czech Polka

4. Livenskaya Polka

5. Czech Polka

6. Karelian-Finnish Polka. Arrangement by B.Tikhonov  Video of this piece bellow on page

7. Latvian Polka

8. Cock's Polka. Estonian Folk Dance. Arrangement by G.Podelsky

9. Canadian Polka

10. Tyrolean Polka

11. Austrian Polka

12. Mixican Polka

13. M.Glinka. Children Polka

14. Mily Balakirev. Polka

15. Sergei Rachmaninov. Italian Polka. Arranged for accordion (bayan) by G.Boytsova

16. V.Rebikov. Musical Snuffbox

17. S.Maykapar. Polka

18. Igor Stravinsky. Polka

19. Dmitri Shostakovich. Barrel Organ Polka

20. B.Tikhonov. Concert Polka Video of this piece bellow on page

21. A.Zhilinsky. Children Polka

22. V.Grachev. Merry Polka

23. B.Potemkin. Our Neighbour

24. V.Shainsky. Antoshka. Song from a Cartoon "Merry Carousel"

25. A.Ivanov. Polka

26. B.Smetana. Polka

27. R.Drigo. Characteristic Polka (Pizzicato). From the Ballet "Arlekinda"

28. S.Loebel. Riding the Stick. Intermezzo

29. J.Strauss. Polka-Pizzicato

30. M.Tabanie. Polka. From the Suite "The Toy Ball"

31. J.Watt. The Three Little Pigs. Song from the Cartoon

32. L.Olias. Tyrolean Polka. From the Film "The Golden Symphony"

33. Polka "Grossvater"

34. M.Glinka. Galop

35. Dmitri Shostakovich. Dance

36. Aram Khachaturian. Galop. From the Music to Drama by M.Lermontov "Masquerade"

37. B.Tikhonov. Galop

38. M.Magidenko. Galop

39. Yu.Soloviyov. Old Movie. Galop

40. F.Schubert. Galop

41. F.Schubert. Graz Galop

42. F.Behr. Galop

43. J.Offenbach. Galop. From the Operetta "Orpheus in the Underworld"

*Price: 20 €

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Video demo: Boris Tikhonov. Karelian-Finnish Polka.
Performed by Boris Tikhonov, accordion (bayan) and instrumental ensemble
(The piece in this book is for Accordion SOLO)

Video demo: Boris Tikhonov. Concert Polka.
Performed by Yury Vetrovsky, accordion (bayan)

Sheet music from the series World of Dance for Accordion / Bayan / Accordeon / Akkordeon /
Fisarmonica / Harmonika / Harmonica / Trekkspill / Dragspel / Harmonikka / Bajan / Akordeon:

World of Dance.
Volume 1
for Accordion
or Bayan
World of Dance.
Volume 2
for Accordion
or Bayan
World of Dance.
Volume 3
Polkas. Galops
for Accordion
or Bayan
World of Dance.
Volume 4
for Accordion
or Bayan
World of Dance.
Volume 5
for Accordion
or Bayan

 * Prices excluding postage. Delivery price depends on the weight of a package.
**Prices are subject to change. Always check for the newest information on this website.