XXth century for XXI Century Accordion (Bayan) Players. Volume 10
Compiled by F.Lips
Language: Russian-English.
Number of pages: 72
Difficulty level: Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced
Bass: FREE
Here's zipped demo in JPG format
*** Music for Accordion (Bayan / Accordeon) Solo ***
G.Gershwin. Three Preludes. Arranged for Accordion (Bayan) by F.Lips
*** Music for Cello and Accordion (Bayan / Accordeon) ***
A.Rosenblatt. Blues for Two. For Cello and Accordion (Bayan)
*** Music for Soprano, Accordion (Bayan / Accordeon) and Piano ***
S.Berinsky. Miserere. For Soprano, Accordion (Bayan) and Piano
*** Music for Bayan (Accordion / Accordeon) Solo ***
V.Belyayev. Sonata for Accordion (Bayan)
*Price: 20 €
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Video demo: G.Gershwin. Three Preludes. Prelude No. 1. Performed by Sergey Osokin, accordion |
Video demo: G.Gershwin. Three Preludes. Prelude No. 2. Performed by Sergey Osokin, accordion
Video demo: G.Gershwin. Three Preludes. Prelude No. 3. Performed by Sergey Osokin, accordion
Video demo: G.Gershwin. Three Preludes. Performed by G.Herscwin, piano
Video demo: A.Rosenblatt. Blues for Two. For Cello and Bayan (Accordion).
Performed by Philip Tomic, cello and Semyon Shmelkov, accordion (bayan)
Video demo: S.Berinsky. Miserere. For Soprano, Accordion and Piano.
Performed by Marina Karpechenko, soprano, Semyon Shmelkov, accordion (bayan)
and Eleonora Teplukhina, piano
Sheet music from the series "XXth Century for XXI Century Accordion
(Bayan) Players"
for Accordion / Bayan / Accordeon / Akkordeon /
Fisarmonica / Harmonika / Harmonica / Trekkspill / Dragspel / Harmonikka /
Bajan / Akordeon:
Sheet music from the series "Bayan (Accordion) in the XXI Century. Solo and in Ensembles"
for Accordion / Bayan / Accordeon / Akkordeon /
Fisarmonica / Harmonika / Harmonica / Trekkspill / Dragspel / Harmonikka /
Bajan / Akordeon: