Sheet music for Accordion / Bayan / Accordeon published
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Petro Serotyuk. Accordion (Bayan) Study Book. Fourth year. Volume 4
Free and Standard bass systems
For learners of accordion and their teachers

Language: Ukrainian.
Number of pages: 110

Difficulty level: Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced


Click to download demo pages Here's zipped demo in JPG format


Accordion Solo, Duo.
Comprehensive fingering for B free bass bayan / accordion system (left and right hands' parts).
Original and transcribed pieces, polyphonic pieces, sonatas, suites, folk, dance, popular pieces, sonatas, etudes, ensembles.


*** Music for Bayan / Accordion Solo ***

I. Developing Creative Imagination

Ye.Derbenko. Four Pieces
1. Little Romance
2. Old Engraving Video of this piece bellow on page
3. Intermezzo
4. Through the First Snow

A.Khachaturian. No Walk Today (From Album for Children No. 1) Video of this piece bellow on page

A.Freed. With Trumpets and Drums

G.Sviridov. Four Pieces from "Children's Album"
1. Before Going to Bed Video of this piece bellow on page
2. Stubborn Boy Video of this piece bellow on page
3. A Gentle Request Video of this piece bellow on page
4. Skipping Girl Video of this piece bellow on page

Siegfried Stolte. Impromptu 3 + 2 = 5 Video of this piece bellow on page

II. Polyphony

Ye.Derbenko. Prelude in Strict Style

César Franck. Canon Video of this piece bellow on page

Kim Shutenko. Fugue on a Ukrainian Folk Song "Oh, Don't Creep down, Criss-Crossed Periwinkle"
(From "Seven Fugues on Ukrainian Folk Songs for Bayan (Accordion)"

Kim Shutenko. Fugue on a Ukrainian Folk Song "It Was a July When Snow Had Fallen"
(From "Seven Fugues on Ukrainian Folk Songs for Bayan (Accordion)"

Ye.Derbenko. Choral

Ye.Derbenko. Lamento Video of this piece bellow on page

C.Ph.E.Bach. Fantasia in D minor (d-moll) H.195; Wq.117/15 Video of this piece bellow on page

A.Kholminov. Fugue Video of this piece bellow on page

III. Large Form

D.Cimarosa. Sonata in D Minor

D.Cimarosa. Sonata in G Major

R.Glière. Rondo in G Major

L.Kozelchuk. Three pieces from "Ukrainian Suite No. 1"
1. Prelude. "There Is a High Mountain"
2. Intermezzo. "I Have Black Eyebrowes"
3. Humoresque. "Oh, Marichko, Chychery"

V.Zolotaryov. Three pieces from "Children Suite No. 1"
1. That Queer Thing from Düsseldorf
2. Mashenka's Sighs
3. Jester Playing on a Squeeze-Box

Ye.Derbenko. Rondo in Classical Style

W.A.Mozart. Adagio and Rondo from Sonatina in C Major

IV. Popular Music, Dances

V.Bryzgalin. Russian Folk Song "Ya Po Zhordochke Shla"

V.Bryzgalin. Russian Folk Song "Vstavala Ranyoshenko"

E.Dreisen. Birch Tree. Waltz

A.Polonsky. Blossoming May. Foxtrot

Ye.Derbenko. "Why Accordion is Sad?" Waltz

A.Korchevoy. It Was This Way

Á.Villoldo. Argentinian Tango "El Choclo". Arranged by R.Bazhylin

M.Partskhaladze. Georgian Dance

Ye.Derbenko. Old Bone Shaker Car

A.Korchevoy. Footstep to Jazz

V. Ensembles

*** Music for Bayan / Accordion Duo ***

Ye.Derbenko. Prelude

A.Korchevoy. Two-Step Video of this piece bellow on page

Ye.Derbenko. Garland. Waltz Musette

Ye.Derbenko. Spring Samba

Ye.Derbenko. Menuet. Second Part of Sonatina

Ye.Derbenko. Rondo. Third Part of Sonatina

Ye.Derbenko. Merry Intermezzo

VI. Etudes

*** Music for Bayan / Accordion Solo ***

A.Dorensky. Three Etudes

A.Dorensky. Three Etudes

1. Jewish Dance

A.Dorensky. Three Etudes

1. Little Prelude
2. Dance-Grotesque
3. Joke

A.Dorensky. Three Etudes

3. Azerbaijani Dance

Ye.Derbenko. Merry Triples. Etude

Ye.Derbenko. Quadrille. Etude

Ye.Derbenko. Impromptu. Etude

Ye.Derbenko. Spring Brook. Etude

Ye.Derbenko. Cascades. Etude

Ye.Derbenko. Dramatic Episode. Etude

Ye.Derbenko. Bulgarian Holiday. Etude

*Price: 20 €

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Video demo: Ye.Derbenko. Old Engraving. Performed by Volodymyr Kurylenko, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: A.Khachaturian. No Walk Today

Video demo: G.Sviridov. Before Going to Bed. Performed by Dmitry Blagoy, piano
(The piece sounds from 21:36 till 23:30)

Video demo: G.Sviridov. Stubborn Boy. Performed by Dmitry Blagoy, piano
(The piece sounds from 10:44 till 11:50)

Video demo: G.Sviridov. A Gentle Request. Performed by Dmitry Blagoy, piano
(The piece sounds from 7:48 till 9:35)

Video demo: G.Sviridov. Skipping Girl. Performed by Dmitry Blagoy, piano
(The piece sounds from 6:26 till 7:03)

Video demo: Siegfried Stolte. Impromptu 3 + 2 = 5. Performed by Iryna Serotyuk, accordion (bayan)
(The piece sounds from 9:26 till 10:35)

Video demo: César Franck. Canon

Video demo: Ye.Derbenko. Lamento. Performed by Nazar Kalischuk, accordion (bayan)
(The piece sounds till 2:16)

Video demo: C.Ph.E.Bach. Fantasia in D minor (d-moll) H.195

Video demo: A.Kholminov. Fugue.
Performed by Vladimir Parsanov, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: A.Korchevoy. Two-Step.
Performed by Tymofiy Pastukhov, accordion and Volodymyr Kurylenko, bayan (accordion)

Other sheet music (partitions) from the series "Petro Serotyuk. Bayan (Accordion) Study Books. Volume 1-5" for Accordion / Bayan / Accordeon / Akkordeon /
Fisarmonica / Harmonika / Harmonica / Trekkspill / Dragspel / Harmonikka / Bajan / Akordeon:

Petro Serotyuk.
Bayan (Accordion)
Study Book.
Volume 1
Petro Serotyuk.
Bayan (Accordion)
Study Book.
Volume 2
Petro Serotyuk.
Bayan (Accordion)
Study Book.
Volume 3
Petro Serotyuk.
Bayan (Accordion)
Study Book.
Volume 4
Petro Serotyuk.
Bayan (Accordion)
Study Book.
Volume 5.
Part 1
Petro Serotyuk.
Bayan (Accordion)
Study Book.
Volume 6.
Part 2

Sheet music, partitions, scores, tutorials, compilations by Petro Serotyuk for Accordion / Bayan / Accordeon / Akkordeon /
Fisarmonica / Harmonika / Harmonica / Trekkspill / Dragspel / Harmonikka / Bajan / Akordeon:

Petro Serotyuk.
Play and Sing
Petro Serotyuk.
Bayan School.
First Meeting
Petro Serotyuk.
Virtuoso Alphabet
Petro Serotyuk.
Bayan study book.
Volume 1-5
Folk Dances
Volume 1-2
Mykola Rizol.
Folk Songs
and Dances
in arrangement
for young
accordion learners.
Volume 1-8
Easy Pieces
for Accordion DUO
Accordion Player Album.
Volume 1-2
Young Accordion Players
Volume 1-3.
Pieces for Bayan /
Accordion DUO
Petro Serotyuk.
Accordion Opens
the World of Music.
Tutorial for
young accordion
Pieces for Accordion
P.Serotyuk -
Four Moldavian
Folk Dances
for Clarinet in Bb
and Accordion
P.Serotyuk -
Four Moldavian
Folk Dances
for Flute
and Accordion
P.Serotyuk -
Four Moldavian
Folk Dances
for Accordion DUO
P.Serotyuk -
Four Moldavian
Folk Dances
for Violin
and Accordion

 * Prices excluding postage. Delivery price depends on the weight of a package.
**Prices are subject to change. Always check for the newest information on this website.