Sheet music for Accordion / Bayan / Accordeon published
in Ukraine and Other Countries

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Victor Dikusarov. Sonata Symphony on a Russian Romance "Gori, gori, Moya Zvezda" (Shine, Shine, My Star).
For accordion / bayan / accordeon / akkordeon solo

Language: Ukrainian - English.
Number of pages: 75

Difficulty level: Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced

Bass: FREE

Click to download demo pages Here's zipped demo in JPG format


Victor Dikusarov. Sonata Symphony on a Russian Romance "Gori, gori, Moya Zvezda" (Shine, Shine, My Star).
For Accordion (Bayan)

Part I
Part II Video of this piece bellow on page
Part III
Part IV Video of this piece bellow on page

*Price: 15 €

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Video demo: Victor Dikusarov. Sonata Symphony on a Russian Romance "Gori, gori, Moya Zvezda". Part 2.
Performed by Vitaly Marchenko, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: Victor Dikusarov. Sonata Symphony on a Russian Romance "Gori, gori, Moya Zvezda". Part 4.
Performed by Vitaly Marchenko, accordion (bayan)

Sheet music with compositions, arrangements by Victor Dikusarov (Victor Dykusarov) for Accordion / Bayan / Accordeon / Akkordeon /
Fisarmonica / Harmonika / Harmonica / Trekkspill / Dragspel / Harmonikka / Bajan / Akordeon:

Sonata Symphony
on a Russian
For Bayan
Pieces for
of the Year.
Celected pieces
from the cylcle
"In the Far North"
Concert No. 1
in C sharp minor
for Bayan and
Concert No. 2
in F sharp minor
for Bayan and
P.Tchaikovsky -
V.Dikusarov -
Symphony No. 6
Part IV, Finale
Retro Fantasy
The Roses
For Accordion
Prelude g-moll.
by V.Dikusarov
1) Scherzo
2) Prelude
Selected Pieces from
"Children Album"
Dolls' Dance

Victor Dykusarov (Dikusarov)

Dear coleagues! In your hands - a unique edition, which introduces to you the last finished large-scale work of a Ukrainian composer Victor Dikusarov (1932-1992).

I do not attempt to present an in-depth and complete characteristic of his composing heritage. Still I find it nessessary to express some considerations on creative activity of a dear to my heart man and a musician (may he rest in peace).

When we are talking about classical bayan (accordion) we need to keep in mind Dikusarov as its bright representative and creator. What was typical for creative achivements by Dikusarov?

As such Victor Dikusarov was not an innovator composer, who paved new ways in music. We all know pretty well, that history of music of all epochs contains quite a few of those. What about Dikusarov he, being non-innovator, as I put it already, created bright expressive accentuated romantic style that contains its own intonation and typical only for him manner of writing music. This is mirrored in composer's genre choices (concert, sonata, prelude, scherzo, waltz, romance, etude etc.), in harmonies, always somewhat unexpected, in brave tonal positioning and, first of all, in exlusive sincerety and depth of the artistic subject, which is so typical for the music by Dikusarov. He may be straitforwardly called as a direct follower of all the best what was achieved by romantic composers. And not only the follower, but an artist, who bravely developed and enriched the glorious tradition of this branch of the world's bayan (accordion) music.

Pity enough the music by Victor Dikusarov is performed rather seldomly nowadays. We need to say honestly and openly that the list of pieces from our bayan (accordion) classics (*transl. - Ukrainian etc.) in the repertoire of performes is becoming smaller. Generally speaking - not only ours... This is something to worry upon. The music by Dikusarov must sound and I am sure it shall sound as well as all our bayan (accordion) classics.

Talanted original composer, who added-in his bright page into the chronicle of bayan (accordion) art of Ukraine, Victor Dikusarov all his lifetime insistently cultivated his own intonation, that allows us to easily recognise the composer's style.

So, let's not archive the works by Dikusarov - an unforgettable man and a musician, who would be 85 this year...

Anatoly Semeshko
Translated by Volodymyr Kurylenko

 * Prices excluding postage. Delivery price depends on the weight of a package.
**Prices are subject to change. Always check for the newest information on this website.