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M.Imkhanitsky - O.Mishchenko. Accordion (Bayan) Duo. Questions on Theory and Practise - Volume 1

Language: Russian.
Number of pages: 77

Difficulty level: Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced

Bass: FREE

Click to download demo pages Here's zipped demo in JPG format


J.S.Bach. Four Parts from Orchestral Suite No.2 in B minor, BWV 1067
(Transcription for Accordion DUO by O.Mishchenko) Video of this piece bellow on page

1. Rondeau
2. Bourrées I
3. Menuett
4. Badinerie

Gara Garayev ( Kara Karayev ). Two Parts from the ballet "The Path of Thunder"
(Transcription for Accordion DUO by O.Mishchenko) Video of this piece bellow on page

1. Lullaby
2. Girl's Dance

Yury Kukuzenko. Journey of a Little Grey Goat, or A Midsummer Night's Dream. Suite-Joke
(Transcription for Accordion DUO by I.Snedkov) Video of this piece bellow on page

1. Lullaby
2. Grandma's Street Organ
3. Going to Aunt in Saratov
4. Passing Kazan'
5. Syrba (Moldavian Folk Dance)
6. On Caravan Through Kyzyl-Kum Desert
7. In Mountains of Svanetia
8. To Warsaw
9. Corrida in Madrid
10. Along the Little Streets of Seville
11. On the Mississippi Banks
12. In New-Orlean's Bar

Volodymyr Podgorny. Fantasy on a Theme by G.Gershwin "The Man I Love"
(Transcription for Accordion DUO by O.Mishchenko and I.Snedkov) Video of this piece bellow on page

*Price: 20 €

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Sheet music with arrangements, transcriptions, compilations by Oleksandr Mishchenko (Alexander Mischenko) for Accordion / Bayan / Accordeon / Akkordeon /
Fisarmonica / Harmonika / Harmonica / Trekkspill / Dragspel / Harmonikka / Bajan / Akordeon:

Concert Pieces
for Accordion
M.Imkhanitsky -
Volume 1.
M.Imkhanitsky -
Volume 2.
M.Imkhanitsky -
Volume 3.
Transcribing the
Musical Compositions
for Accordion
of Baroque Music
by Accordion Ensemble:

Video demo: J.S.Bach. Four Parts from Orchestral Suite No.2 in B minor, BWV 1067.
Performed by Accordion DUO Oleksandr Mishchenko and Ihor Snedkov.
(Attention! The piece sounds from 7:45 till 14:15)

Video demo: Gara Garayev ( Kara Karayev ). Two Parts from the ballet "The Path of Thunder": Lullaby, Girl's Dance.
Performed by Accordion DUO Oleksandr Mishchenko and Ihor Snedkov.
(Attention! The piece sounds from 10:48 till 14:55)

Video demo: Yury Kukuzenko. Journey of a Little Grey Goat - video 1 (2).
Performed by Accordion DUO Oleksandr Mishchenko and Ihor Snedkov.
(Attention! The piece starts from 15:00)

Video demo: Yury Kukuzenko. Journey of a Little Grey Goat - video 2 (2).
Performed by Accordion DUO Oleksandr Mishchenko and Ihor Snedkov.
(Attention! The piece sounds till 3:00)

Video demo: Yury Kukuzenko. Journey of a Little Grey Goat.
Performed by Trio "Liritsa"
(Attention! The piece is performed by instrumental Trio. The music sheets above are for bayan / accordion DUO)

Video demo: Volodymyr Podgorny. Fantasy on a Theme by G.Gershwin "The Man I Love".
Performed by Accordion DUO Borys Myronchuk and Artem Nyzhnyk

Video demo: Volodymyr Podgorny. Fantasy on a Theme by G.Gershwin "The Man I Love".
Performed by Accordion DUO Oleksandr Mishchenko and Igor Snedkov

 * Prices excluding postage. Delivery price depends on the weight of a package.
**Prices are subject to change. Always check for the newest information on this website.