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Anthology of Accordion (Bayan) Ensemble. Playing Music Joyfully - Volume 2
Pieces for Accordion Instrumental Ensemble, Accordion ORCHESTRA, Accordion QUARTET, Accordion QUINTET.
Compiled by Victor Bryzgalin

Language: Russian.
Number of pages: 159

Difficulty level: Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced


Click to download demo pages Here's zipped demo in JPG format


*** Accordion ENSEMBLE ***

L.Pechnikov. Little Madrigal. For Accordion (Bayan) Ensemble / ORCHESTRA Video of this piece bellow on page

V.Kharlamov. Impromptu on a Theme by A.Zhurbin. For Accordion (Bayan) Solo and three other Accordions - QUARTET

Henry Himmel. It Rains / Il pleut sur la route / Auch in trüben tagen. Tango. Arrangement for Accordion (Bayan) ENSEMBLE (4 Accordions + Bass + Percussion) by V.Yeletsky Video of this piece bellow on page

Ary Barroso. Panorama of Brazil. Arrangement for for Accordion (Bayan) QUINTET by V.Yeletsky Video of this piece bellow on page

Ye.Derbenko. Searching for Bach. For Accordion (Bayan) ORCHESTRA (Quartet) Video of this piece bellow on page

Ye.Derbenko. Kozachok. For Accordion (Bayan) ORCHESTRA (Quartet) Video of this piece bellow on page

Ye.Derbenko. Steady Rhythm. For Accordion (Bayan) ORCHESTRA (Quartet) Video of this piece bellow on page

Ye.Derbenko. Retro Impromptu. For Accordion (Bayan) QUARTET

*** Harmonica ENSEMBLE ***

Ye.Derbenko. Jesus is Rizen. For Harmonica / Accordion / Bayan QUARTET

Ye.Derbenko. Street Musicians. For Harmonica / Accordion / Bayan QUARTET Video of this piece bellow on page

Ye.Derbenko. Harmonist Plays Jazz. For Harmonica / Accordion / Bayan QUARTET Video of this piece bellow on page

G.Gladkov - G.Pukhov. I'm Laying in the Sun. For Harmonica / Accordion / Bayan ENSEMBLE (SOLO + 3 Harmonicas / Accordions / Bayans + Flute + Percussion) Video of this piece bellow on page

*** Harmonica UNISON ***

Ye.Derbenko. Concert Miniature. For Harmonicas / Accordions / Bayans

Ye.Derbenko. Buffoon. For Harmonicas / Accordions / Bayans Video of this piece bellow on page

Ye.Derbenko. Carnival Rhythms. For Harmonicas / Accordions / Bayans Video of this piece bellow on page

*** Russian Folk Instruments' ENSEMBLE ***

Ye.Derbenko. Pleasant Tune. For Accordion (Bayan) Instrumental ENSEMBLE:
(Domra / Balalaika + Accordion (Bayan) + Alto Domra + Bass Domra (Bass / Double Bass Balalaika)

Ye.Derbenko. Sad Song. For Accordion (Bayan) Instrumental ENSEMBLE:
(Domra + Domra / Balalaika / Accordion (Bayan) + Alto Domra + Bass Domra)

Ye.Derbenko. Lyrical Melody (Golden Rye). For Accordion (Bayan) Instrumental ENSEMBLE:
(Accordion (Bayan) + Balalaika / Domra + Alto Domra + Double Bass Balalika + Percussion)

(availalbe for Accordion (Bayan) DUO) Video of this piece bellow on page

G.Kolobov. Merry March. For Accordion (Bayan) Instrumental ENSEMBLE:
(Domra + Balalaika / Domra + Accordion (Bayan) + Alto Domra / Guitar / Alto Balalaika + Double Bass Balalika / Tuba Accordion / Bass Guitar / Rhythm Group)

G.Kolobov. Russian Picture. For Accordion (Bayan) Instrumental ENSEMBLE:
(Domra + Alto Domra + Accordion (Bayan) + Balalaika + Bass Balalaika / Double Bass Balalika + Percussion)

D.Kapyrin. Merry Song. Arranged by N.Stefanenko for Accordion (Bayan) Instrumental ENSEMBLE:
(Domra I, II + Alto Domra I, II + Accordion (Bayan) + Percussion + Balalaika / Guitar + Double Bass Balalika)

A.Byzov. Barrel Organ. For Accordion (Bayan) Instrumental ENSEMBLE:
(Domra + Alto Domra + Accordion (Bayan) + Percussion + Balalaika + Double Bass)
Video of this piece bellow on page

P.Londonov. Village Picture. Arranged by N.Oleynikov for Accordion (Bayan) Instrumental ENSEMBLE:
(Domra + Alto Domra + Accordion (Bayan) + Balalaika + Double Bass)

A.Pribylov. Pasodoble. Arranged by N.Stefanenko for Accordion (Bayan) Instrumental ENSEMBLE:
(Domra I, II + Alto Domra I, II + Accordion (Bayan) + Percussion + Balalaika / Guitar + Double Bass Balalika)
Video of this piece bellow on page

B.Hlasni. Spanish Dance. Arranged by N.Stefanenko for Accordion (Bayan) Instrumental ENSEMBLE:
(Domra I, II + Alto Domra I, II + Accordion (Bayan) + Percussion + Balalaika / Guitar + Bass / Double Bass Balalika)
Video of this piece bellow on page

*** Various types of Accordion ENSEMBLE ***

Ye.Derbenko. Humoristic Scherzo. For Accordion (Bayan) Instrumental ENSEMBLE:
(Accordion (Bayan) I + Wind Insruments: Flute, Oboe or Accordion (Bayan) II + Accordion (Bayan) SOLO + Violin I + Violin II + Cello)

V.Trotsenko. Harmonica Sings in the Distance. Arranged by S.Bely for Accordion (Bayan) Instrumental ENSEMBLE:
(Accordion (Bayan) + Piano Accordion + Guitar + Violin I + Violin II + Double Bass)
Video of this piece bellow on page

A.Mordukhovich. Dance in Baroque Style. For Accordion (Bayan) Instrumental ENSEMBLE:
(Flute + Accordion (Bayan) + Balalaika + Cello)

A.Mordukhovich. Blinking Flares. Virtuosic Etude. For Accordion (Bayan) Instrumental ENSEMBLE:
(Flute + Accordion (Bayan) + Balalaika + Cello)

A.Piazzolla. Bando. Tango. Arranged by O.Kotenyova for Accordion (Bayan) Instrumental ENSEMBLE:
(Violin + Accordion (Bayan) + Piano)
Video of this piece bellow on page

A.Piazzolla. S'il vous plaît. Tango. Arranged by N.Stefanenko for Accordion (Bayan) Instrumental ENSEMBLE:
(Violin + Accordion (Bayan) + Piano + Cello)
Video of this piece bellow on page

V.Zubitsky. Sunny Day (fragment). For Accordion (Bayan) Instrumental ENSEMBLE:
(Flute + Accordion (Bayan) + Cello + Piano)
Video of this piece bellow on page

N.Rimsky-Korsakov. Flight of a Bumblebee. Arranged by V.Zubitsky for Accordion (Bayan) Instrumental ENSEMBLE:
(Violin + Piano Accordion or Bayan + Double Bass)
Video of this piece bellow on page

*Price: 25 €

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Sheet music from the series "Anthology of Accordion (Bayan) Ensemble. Playing Music Joyfully" for Accordion / Bayan / Accordeon / Akkordeon /
Fisarmonica / Harmonika / Harmonica / Trekkspill / Dragspel / Harmonikka / Bajan / Akordeon:

Anthology of
Accordion Ensemble.
Playing Music
Joyfully -
Volume 1
Anthology of
Accordion Ensemble.
Playing Music
Joyfully -
Volume 2
Anthology of
Accordion Ensemble.
Playing Music
Joyfully -
Volume 3
Anthology of
Accordion Ensemble.
Playing Music
Joyfully -
Volume 4
Anthology of
Accordion Ensemble.
Playing Music
Joyfully -
Volume 5
Anthology of
Accordion Ensemble.
Playing Music
Joyfully -
Volume 6

Video demo: L.Pechnikov. Little Madrigal.
Performed by Alina Chuklinova, accordion
(The piece in this edition is for or accordion (bayan) ensemble / ORCHESTRA)

Video demo: Henry Himmel. It Rains / Il pleut sur la route / Auch in trüben tagen. Tango.
Performed by Claude Laxalde, Roland Accordion
(The piece in this edition is for accordion (bayan) ensemble)

Video demo: A.Barroso. Panorama of Brazil.
Performed by instrumental accordion DUO "Bravo"
(The piece in this edition is for accordion (bayan) QUINTET)

Video demo: Ye.Derbenko. Searching for Bach.
(The piece in this edition is for accordion (bayan) QUARTET / ORCHESTRA)

Video demo: Ye.Derbenko. Kozachok.
(The piece in this edition is for accordion (bayan) QUARTET / ORCHESTRA)

Video demo: Ye.Derbenko. Steady Rhythm.
Performed by Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra "Zolotoy Kolos"
(The piece in this edition is for accordion (bayan) QUARTET / ORCHESTRA)

Video demo: Ye.Derbenko. Street Musicians.
(The piece in this edition is for for harmonica / accordion / bayan QUARTET)

Video demo: Ye.Derbenko. Harmonist Plays Jazz.
Performed by Accordion TRIO "Accordionissimo"
(The piece in this edition is for harmonica / accordion / bayan QUARTET)

Video demo: G.Gladkov - G.Pukhov. I'm Laying in the Sun.
(The piece in this edition is for Harmonica / Accordion / Bayan ENSEMBLE
(SOLO + 3 Harmonicas / Accordions / Bayans + Flute + Percussion)

Video demo: Ye.Derbenko. Buffoon.
Performed by Amina Zheldybayeva, accordion

Video demo: Ye.Derbenko. Carnival Rhythms.
Performed by Children Russian Folk Instruments Orchestra "Skaz"

Video demo: Ye.Derbenko. Lyrical Melody (Golden Rye).
(The piece in this edition is for Accordion (Bayan) Instrumental ENSEMBLE:
(Accordion (Bayan) + Balalaika / Domra + Alto Domra + Double Bass Balalika + Percussion)

Video demo: A.Byzov. Barrel Organ.
Performed by soloists from Andreyev State Academic Russian Orchestra

Video demo: A.Pribylov. Pasodoble.
Performed by Teachers' Ensemble from Chernihiv School No. 1

Video demo: B.Hlasni. Spanish Dance.
Performed by Ensemble "Impulse"

Video demo: V.Trotsenko. Harmonica Sings at a Distance.
Performed by Ensemble "Impulse"

Video demo: A.Piazzolla. Bando. Tango.
Performed by Volodymyr Kurylenko, accordion (bayan) and Rolando Fernandez Lara, cello
(The piece in this edition is for Accordion (Bayan) Instrumental ENSEMBLE:
(Violin + Accordion (Bayan) + Piano)

Video demo: A.Piazzolla. S'il vous plaît. Tango.
(The piece in this edition is for Accordion (Bayan) Instrumental ENSEMBLE:
(Violin + Accordion (Bayan) + Piano + Cello)

Video demo: V.Zubitsky. Sunny Day.
Performed by ensemble "Diligence"

Video demo: N.Rimsky-Korsakov - V.Zubitsky. Flight of a Bumblebee.
Performed by ensemble "Style Quartet"

 * Prices excluding postage. Delivery price depends on the weight of a package.
**Prices are subject to change. Always check for the newest information on this website.