Sheet music for Accordion / Bayan / Accordeon published
in Ukraine and Other Countries

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Oleksandr Tchuev. Concert pieces for accordion (bayan)

Language: Ukrainian-English.
Number of pages: 50

Difficulty level: Beginner - Intermediate - Advanced


Click to download demo pages Here's zipped demo in JPG format


O.Tchuev. Adagio for Accordion (Bayan)

O.Tchuev. Romance. For Accordion (Bayan) Left Hand SOLO

O.Tchuev. Mariupol Waltz for Accordion (Bayan)

Christos Nikolopoulos - O.Tchuev. Orchistriko / Ορχηστρικο for Accordion (Bayan) Video of this piece bellow on page

O.Tchuev. Balkan Souvenir for Accordion (Bayan) Video of this piece bellow on page

O.Tchuev. Waltz Impromptu for Accordion (Bayan)

O.Tchuev. Toccata for Accordion (Bayan)

O.Tchuev. Paraphrase on Ukrainian Themes for Accordion (Bayan) Video of this piece bellow on page

*Price: 15 ˆ

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Alexander Tchuev was born in 1977 in Mariupol (Ukraine). In 1992 has ended musical school (V. Verigo's class) and the same year has entered the Mariupol Musical College (1992-1993 G. Tsivadits's class, 1994-1996 A. Mitina's class). Having graduated from school with excellent marks, in 1996 he has entered National Musical Academy of Ukraine in Kiev (a class of professor N. Davidov.). In 2000, having received the diploma of the soloist and the teacher, he has moved to Greece where works till now as the soloist and the teacher. For years of study he has achieved following successes at competitions: 1995 — National competition of students of Musical Colleges of Ukraine (Kherson) — Third Prize, 1995 — National competition of accordion-players the Cup of Krivbass (Kryvyi Rig) — Second Prize (category up to 18 years), 1995 — International competition Citta di Castelfidardo (Italy) — Diploma, 1996 — the International competition of students of musical colleges of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus (Bryansk) — Diploma, 1996 — National competition of students of musical colleges of Ukraine (Donetsk) — First Prize. And also: 2003 — International competition "Premio di Montese" (Italy) — First Prize, 2004 — the International competition "Citta di Atri" (Italy) — First Prize.

Alexander Tchuev is the organizer of National competition of accordion-players of Greece in the city of Grevena. The first competition on where Alexander Tchuev's two pupils have won the first prizes in the categories, took place in May, 2005. Also in 2005 Alexander Tchuev was the representative of Greece in jury of the international competitions "STAR WAYS" (Serbia) and Premio di Montese (Italy).

Being in Greece, Alexander Tchuev continues to act, as the soloist. In 2004 three solo concerts took place in the cities of Grevena, Kozani and Deskati. In 2005 at the First National competition of accordion-players of Greece the solo concert took place in the city of Grevena. For 2006 some concerts are planned in different cities of Greece in which also the accordion-orchestra of the city of Kozani created by Alexander Tchuev will take part.

Video demo: Christos Nikolopoulos - O.Tchuev. Orchistriko / Ορχηστρικο.
Performed by Pavlo Fenyuk, accordion (bayan)

Video demo: Oleksandr Tchuev. Balkan souvenir. Performed by Accordion DUO: Anatoly and Georgy Baghdasar
(Attention! The piece is played by duo. The music sheets above are for accordion (bayan) SOLO)

Video demo: Oleksandr Tchuev. Balkan souvenir. Performed by Accordion DUO: Volodymyr and Ivan Gaidychuk
(Attention! The piece is played by duo. The music sheets above are for accordion (bayan) SOLO)

Video demo: Oleksandr Tchuev. Paraphrase on Ukrainian Themes. Performed by Irina Serotyuk, accordion (bayan)

Sheet music from the series "CONCERT PIECES FOR BAYAN OR ACCORDION" for Accordion / Bayan / Accordeon / Akkordeon /
Fisarmonica / Harmonika / Harmonica / Trekkspill / Dragspel / Harmonikka / Bajan / Akordeon:

click to go to page - Accordion on the concert stage. Volume 1
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 * Prices excluding postage. Delivery price depends on the weight of a package.
**Prices are subject to change. Always check for the newest information on this website.